Akashic Records Reading

Decoding the Spiritual Library of Cosmic Souls

Book an Akashic Records Reading if you are facing blockages related to career, financial debts, health issues, or relationships in your life.

Original price was: ₹7,575.00.Current price is: ₹4,848.00.

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What are Akashic Records?

The word ‘Akashic’ comes from the word ‘Akasha’ from the ancient Hindu language, Sanskrit. It means ‘sky’ or ‘ether’ – the non-physical plane of existence.

Akashic Records can be called the ‘Spiritual Library of Cosmic Souls’. They contain every thought, feeling, ‘Karma’, or action that has ever existed or taken place in your past and present lives. In simple words, they are like a supercomputer that has a record of everything that has ever happened throughout your incarnations.

They also have a little information about the future possibilities available to you. The future is fluid in nature and is not fixed. It is a vibrational match to the present, which means that when you change a thought or an action in the present, your future possibilities change as well. Remember, everything that is happening in our lives is an extension of our past lives’ karmas and similarly our present life’s karmas are going to impact our future lives too.

Time doesn't heal everything, our initiative does.

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Why Go For Akashic Records Reading?

Hit a roadblock in your relationships or are suffering from utter confusion in your work or career without any hint of a positive direction?

Started wondering if you are headed on the right path or are seeking confirmation on whether you are doing the right thing?

Been feeling clueless regarding your strengths or not understanding what’s actually happening in your life?

Been feeling stuck in your job or facing business struggles?

Started feeling that your relationship is stagnant or are worrying you will remain single forever?

Been facing issues related to physical, mental, or emotional health?

Akashic Records Reading taps into the giant database of information that transcends all realms and dimensions. Through this Reading, Master Dhruvika checks the Energy Log of your soul to find the root cause of your suffering, and guides you to healing your past lives’ karmas to correct your present and create a better future. You can also heal your Karmic curse permanently to better your future lives and set your ancestors and future generations free of the bindings of your ancestral curse.

With Akashic Records Reading, you can access your past, heal your present, and create a new future.

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What to Know About the Session

#1 - How is the Session Conducted

The session starts with a few instructions and pointers on how it will be conducted. It takes Master Dhruvika a couple of minutes to connect to your energies after which you can ask your questions one after another.

#2 - How to Plan Your Questions

A 30 minute session can easily accommodate 2-3 major questions of your life. Please ask the questions in sequence of priority. Ask your last question 8-10 minutes before the end of the session as it takes that much time for Master Dhruvika to find the answer to the question, explain the solution, and suggest its remedies. If you want any further clarity on any guidance being shared, ask Master Dhruvika during the session only.

#3 - Points to Remember

Please remember that when Akashic records are opened to find the cause behind the present life’s difficulties or struggles, there may be a high possibility of uncovering unpleasant information. Do take it as guidance to correct your present and future lives, and not to dwell on the guilt of the past. Once the session time is over, you are requested to not keep Master Dhruvika occupied with questions or conversation as she may have other commitments to honour.

The session is recorded and its link is sent to you via your registered email address.

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What They're Saying About Master Dhruvika's Akashic Record Reading Session

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